How to securely wipe sensitive files–or your entire hard drive | PCWorld
Standard file deletion will not erase data from your computer. Properly purge unwanted sensitive information by following these instructions.
5 Ways Hackers Attack You (And How To Counter Them) – The Kim Komando Show
The most common ways hackers attack you, and what you can do about them.
Symptoms Of A Failing Hard Drive
Kim Komando shares with you a few primary symptoms of a failing hard drive and some tools you can use to check up on its health.
Tips For Preventing Malware Infection
The old saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”, is very true when dealing with the countless present day malware threats circulating throughout the internet landscape, seeking a home in your computer. Malware is a general term for the whole gamut of undesirable software programs including viruses, worms, rootkits, trojan horses,