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Windows 8’s Windows Store Hits The 100,000 App Milestone As It Gains Momentum | PCWorld



Microsoft is aggressively promoting the development and release of apps to add to it’s Windows Store, in an effort to gain market traction with it’s new tablet/touch friendly Windows 8 user interface.  Full Story…

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Simplify Browser Use With Keyboard Shortcuts | PCWorld



A PCWorld Answer Line discussion on some useful keyboard shortcuts to help you navigate more quickly in Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome.  Full Story…

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Your Best Bets For Finding Wi-Fi On Domestic Flights | TechHive


A nice report on which airlines have the most Wi-Fi enabled flights, which airlines offer Wi-Fi most consistently, and flight routes most likely to offer Wi-Fi. Full Story…

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Windows 8.1 Preview Released: 8 New Features Coming to Microsoft’s New OS – ABC News


abc News

Microsoft released a preview yesterday of their forthcoming Windows 8.1, which will be publicly available later this year.  Some key new features are being added, including the return of the Start Button and an option to boot straight to the desktop.  Full Story…

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How Do I Change My Email Address? – Ask Leo!


Ask Leo!

Leo Notenboom discusses the typical process of changing over to a new email address and important things to consider.  Full Story…

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