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Help! My Email Account Was Hacked!


A number of my computer service clients have been reporting lately that contacts in their email address book have been receiving spam messages from them which they did not send. Often these messages are soliciting the purchase of various goods and services, or how to make quit your job money from home. This type of occurrence is due to a hacker gaining access to a users email account, usually because of a weak password.

If such a problem happens to you, please perform the following essential steps:
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Internet Explorer 9 Released


Two years after Internet Explorer 8 came onto the scene Microsoft officially released version 9 of the worlds most used web browser on March 14, 2011. Internet Explorer 9 touts a number of improvements over it’s predecessors in terms of simplified interface, speed, security and support of HTML5, the latest version of the predominant language for web pages.
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The Verdict is in on Windows 7



After almost a year now since the official release of the Windows 7 operating system, numerous technology review sources as well as customer satisfaction surveys are reporting very positive news about this offering from Microsoft. Users in general are reporting faster start-up and shutdown times as compared with earlier versions of Windows, greater responsiveness with programs and operating system functions, less bugs, conflicts and compatibility issues, and just simply easier to use.
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Windows 7 Just Around the Corner



The much anticipated Microsoft Windows Version 7 will officially be available generally on October 22, 2009. With the mixed reviews that current operating system Windows Vista has garnered over the past two and a half years, Microsoft looks to recapture the confidence of PC users with what they believe to be the best version of Windows yet. Read more…

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Is Your Data Safe?


harddrive-crash2 Do you have a backup or disaster recovery plan in place to protect you in the event of data loss? Despite numerous threats to the safety of computer users data files constantly lurking about, very few back their data up on a regular basis, if at all.

A September 2008 study by Webroot Software Incorporated estimated that, “In 2007 alone, approximately 46 million people in the U.S. and UK lost personal files stored on their PCs.” The same study found that, “Two out of five PC users (43 percent) have lost digital files or data at some point in their lives” and, “One in five have lost files in the last two years alone.”
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