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Home Computing News It’s a Good Idea to Stop Using Internet Explorer

It’s a Good Idea to Stop Using Internet Explorer



Internet Explorer 11, the last version of Microsoft’s classic web browser is the only version that is still receiving security updates under Windows 7, 8.1 and 10.

Security updates for IE11 on Windows 7 will stop when Windows 7 reaches end of life on January 14, 2020, and will continue on Windows 8.1 until January 10, 2023 and Windows 10 until October 14, 2025.

While Microsoft will continue to address security bugs during these time periods, changes and improvements to the underlying browser technology will not be made, rendering the browser more and more outdated and obsolete over time.

For those of you who access old legacy websites Internet Explorer may still be required, however for the vast majority of users it is highly recommended to move over either to Microsoft Edge, the current default Microsoft web browser on Windows 10, or a popular alternative such as Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions about switching over to a more modern up to date web browser.

~Ted Eiler

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